Walter Keith bodybuilding over 60 winner, over 50 light weight winner, and over 50 overall winner
Marketa Mamiaro 4th place women’s physique with husband
Joelle Lombardi winner of the Chase Gates Focus Award with Chase and Family
Clash of the Capstone overall winners with Ron and Michelle Wedgeworth
Ronnie Aldrich bodybuilding 50+ 2nd place 60+ Open middle weight winner with wife
Ron Wedgeworth and the Director of Tuscaloosa Tourism with bodybuilding overall winner Brandon Mills
Joelle Lambordi 3rd place Women’s Physique and Greg Milano 3rd place 50+ men’s physique
Rick Blakewood talking to a competitor
Jana Mathews 35+ women’s physique winner with Constant Payne bodybuilding 60+ 4th place novice heavyweight 1st place and Mr. Tuscaloosa 2nd place
5 Star Nutrition
Kellan Mins 3rd place teen men’s phyique and Ivan Madarang 1st place men’s physique open and 2nd place classic physique open class A and Colton Cadtleberry true noivce men’s physique 4th place
Ron Wedgeworth and Rachel Payne
Rich Aldridge and friends
Chris Mayo overall winner men’s physique
Rachel and Walter Keith
Larry Hood bodybuilding 35+ 3rd place 40+ 1st place 50+ 4th place novice 3rd place
Saud Almutairi men’s physique true novice 2nd place novice 2nd place open class B 2nd place
Chris Mayo, Dakota Harcrow, Jacob Works, Cade Clevland and Nicki Oliver