Cardiologist Amir Haghighat
Casey DeLong, IFBB Bikini Pro with Chrissy Gary at Muscle for Heart
check in at the Muscle For Heart
Chrissy Gary, 3rd pl Open Bikini, Class B
Dustin Croft and Dr. Kenawy with Carun and Mike McKinney
Gary Daniel, 3rd pl Open Classic Physique
Great looking stage at Muscle For Heart
Guest Poser at 2018 NPC Muscle For Heart
Guest Poser at Muscle fo Heart IFBB Pro Terrence Ruffin
Guest Poser Classic Physique IFBB Pro Terrence Ruffin
IFBB Figure Pro Melinda Daniel with husband Gary of Complete Nutrition
IFBB Pro_s Casey DeLong _ Melinda Daniel
Jenny Boll _ Gary Daniel at 2018 NPC Muscle For Heart
Jenny Boll, 1st pl Open Bikini, Class C _ Overall Winner with Gary Daniel, Complete Nutrition
Jenny Boll, Overall Winner Bikini with Gary Daniel
Mike _ Mark McKinney with Amir Haghighat, MD, FACC
Mike McKinney _ wife, Kristy
Mike McKinney with Cardiologist Dr. Amir Haghighat
Mike McKinney, Heather Gaiser, 1st pl Masters Bikini, 2nd pl Bikini Open Class A, 3rd pl Novice Bikini and Patrick with Carun
Mike with Heather Gaiser at Muscle For Heart
Mr _ Mrs McKinney with son Mike at 2018 NPC Muscle For heart
Muscle For Heart silent auction table fundraiser
Muscle For Heart tanning sponsor
Overall Winners at 2018 NPC Muscle For Heart 1
Overall Winners at 2018 NPC Muscle For Heart 2
Parade of Athletes at the 2018 NPC Muscle for Heart
prejudging stage at Muscle for Heart
Promoter Mike McKinney and Dr. Kenawy
Promoters Vic Sellers and Mike McKinney
Ron Page, makes donation at Muscle For Heart to honor son
Terrence Ruffin, Classic Physique IFBB Pro _ Guest Poser
Terrence Ruffin, IFBB Pro
The McKinney_s at the inaugural Muscle For Heart Bodybuilding Championships
The Waffle Queen Team Sarah Yohn, 2nd pl Bikini Open, Taylor, Sara _ Brook